in collaboration with KNOWSPACE
Eine Atmosphäre zum Spielen, Lernen, und Austauschen
An atmosphere for playing, learning, communicating
photos > werner huthmacher
(wenn nicht anders angegeben)

Die Funktionen der Farbe in der Kita:
Phänomen, Orientierung, Identität
The function of color in the Kindergarten:
Phenomenon, Orientation, Identity

A continuous wooden bench "ribbon" along the outer wall of the primary pedagogical rooms stretches throughout the kindergarten, providing children with a chance to proactively form their environment. These built-in structures allow for storing toys or other equipment, for observing the outside, a place for communal or individual work, or other activities according to a child's imagination…

Einbauten und Sonderbauten im Einklang
Custom fittings and furniture in harmony

Haptische Inspiration – Material, Farbe, Licht
Haptic Inspiration – Material, Color, Light
foto > jason danziger

Jason Danziger + Erhard An-He Kinzelbach
Assisted by:
Andreas Rauch, Georgia Dimaridou, Simon Wienk-Borgert
Client: direct commission, Drachenreiter gGmbH
Location: Studio-B (Collignon Architektur), Berlin-Alexanderplatz
BGF / Kinderzahl: ca. 1150m2 inkl. Geschäftsstelle, Küche, etc. für 100 Kinder
Fertigstellung: März-April 2016
Surface / # of Children: ca. 1150m2 inkl. Offices, Kitchen, etc. for 100 Children
Completion: March–April 2016